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Corresponding Author
Geraldi Catur Pamuji
Postgraduate Faculty, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Jiangsu, China.
The purpose of this study is to compare between two different of cluster analysis algorithm in data mining on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). The TRMM is a joint mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration (JAXA) Agency to study rainfall for weather and climate research. K-means and DBScan are methods for cluster analysis in data mining. In this paper, rainfall data in Bandung and Jakarta based on TRMM will be analyzed and compared in efficiency and accuracy using each algorithm.
Data Mining, K-Means, DBScan, Clustering, TRMM
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Nono Suwarno
a) Master of Information Systems, Faculty of Post Graduate, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 112-116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) is one of the computer based test, that choose test items according to participants ability. To quickly measure participant ability in practical case, holistic problem can be used. Computerized Adaptive Test use item selection method to determine which test item will be used for the test. A test item contains problems that must solved by the participant. Holistic Problem Solving Methodology can be used to ajust the item selection method in Computer adaptive Test to create holistic problem in the test items in order to chalange the paticipant ability. Steps taken by participants can be measured so the result can show the participant ability profile about the test topic. Test time be more efficient because every aspect in the test topic have been summarized into a holistic problem.
Computerized Adaptive Test, holistic problem, item selection method, Holistic Problem Solving Methodology
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Lukmannul Hakim Firdaus
a) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Indonesia
b) Bayu Hendradjaya,
Knoweledge and Software Engineering Research Group,
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics,
Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Bandung, Indonesia
The implementation of gamification in Learning Management System (LMS) is not only to make the learning fun, but also to change students behavior, motivation and learning outcomes. Therefore, we need to know the students orientation in learning, so that the implementation of gamification elements can be adjusted to students orientation. This paper proposes a design of personalized gamification design for Learning Management System. The personalization has implemented based on gaming achievement goal to define students orientation in learning. Furthermore, the gamification has been designed based on gamification design process and has been applied into a Learning Management System called G-Learning. In this research, the use of G-Learning has been validated by 50 students. The result shows that the G-Learning indicates a positive effect on students online learning.
learning management system; gamification; personalization; achievement goal; gaming achievement goal
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Diny Syarifah Sany
a) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatcs, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 10432, Indonesia
b) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatcs, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 10432, Indonesia
Virtual labs or Virtual laboratories are instructional approaches to facilitate the learning on some specific scientific or experimental procedures. The objective is to understand some lecture materials, to teach critical thinking skills and to improve problem-solving skills. In this paper, we propose the use of serious adventure game framework on virtual labs. The framework is expected to help the developers to build a new virtual lab system. The framework defines how the identification of the learning content, building a game design, and implementation into a game in a virtual lab. The framework has demonstrated how to change the learning materials into game contents, so that the resulting content can adapt a conventional laboratory. Game design should provide the right target learning but still fun for the learners. In this research, to validate the framework, we build three games, one of which is built using the proposed framework. To see the usability of the framework, these games have been used to see the capabilities of the games in increasing the knowledge of players and determine the importance of a specific component in the game design is proposed. We have tested these games to 59 high school students and compared with 17 high school students who read. The results show that the resulting game has shown better positive impacts compare to learn by reading.
Framework; Serious game; Serious adventure game; Virtual laboratory
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
a) Master of Information Systems, Faculty Of Post Graduate
b) Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 112-116, 40132, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) ageng.setiawan[at]
d) kerlooza[at]
This paper proposes authorization scenarios for updating population data systems that involve public participation through several different telecommunications channels, called Multi-Channel and Public Participation (MPP)-Based Population Administration System. This paper reveals a number of important technical aspects that arise and must be considered in the authorization scenario. This paper also discusses broadly the authorization techniques that have been used separately in many previous cases. Conformity between important technical aspects and authentication methods that are commonly used in system implementations is the basis for supporting the implementation of authorization scenarios. The proposed authorization scenario is to utilize a combination of Claim-Based and Multi-Factor authentication techniques because it has a match between important aspects and technical authentication. The combination of authentication techniques in the authorization procedure is able to verify and validate and determine the role of those who wish to collaborate in the service process.
Multi-channel architecture; Standard operation procedure; Authorization; Authentication claim-bases and multi-factor
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Winanti .
a) Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program, Doctor of Computer Science, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480,
b) Information System Departement, STMIK Insan Pembangunan, Tangerang, Indonesia
c) Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
d) Computer Science Department, BINUS Graduate Program, Doctor of Computer Science Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia, 11480
Tacit knowledge has not been revealed in an explicit and structured form, the low motivation of people to seek new knowledge from tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. It takes a place that can channel the hidden knowledge into new knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to find out the mapping of community learning in informal education to support learning communities. Some of the previous studies of Community Learning were able to create smart, skilled, independent and competitiveness communities with learning programs at formal education. The internet community and media make a distance not an obstacle for people who exchange ideas. The power of bonding makes people help each other like families who have the same responsibilities. Community-based learning becomes an alternative in the future, where conventional learning will gradually be abandoned. Learning Community in the context of informal education is an alternative for busy individuals and it is difficult to find time to share knowledge. The method used is by survey method by defining the scope in detail, and determining the research question; do a search that involves selecting literary sources based on keywords, and determine inclusion and exclusion criteria to sort the types of references for further exploration. Community-based learning has unique things related to the learning process that is not possessed by formal education, among others, the interaction between community members, collaboration in sharing knowledge, quick feedback in solving problems, and self-reflection that often expresses opinions. unthinkable, the creation of actualization, problem-solving and learning by doing as well as learning community learning can also be done with experience-based learning.
Survey, engagement, LearningCommunity, Informal Education
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Yusrila Yeka Kerlooza
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Information technology has been shown to play a major role in accelerating the development process in many countries. However, due to the vast territory, the uneven distribution of information technology infrastructure and large cultural differences in Indonesia it requires special adaptation and application so that an information technology project can succeed and meet the desired goals. This paper will present the challenges that exist from a geographical point of view that causes limitations of IT infrastructure and cultural differences in society. This paper also proposes an adaptation scheme for the application of information technology, which is the result of reflection from some projects that have been carried out in a number of regions.
Information technology, IT infrastructure, technology adaptation strategy
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Herwanto .
Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Krisnadwipayana
Kampus UNKRIS Jatiwaringin, Jakarta 13077
Development of information technology related to data storage, allows database to store hospital data, even when the data size is huge either in number, variations, and formats that may vary. Currently the issues related hospital database is no longer on data gathering, but in data analytic. Because of this, the existence of these data will give benefit, especially for decision making. To visualize the data in order to explore in depth everything related to patient care, hospitals needs several information technology such as databases, data warehouses, and applications that can do data analytic and build predictive models. Adaptive BI (Business Intelligence) that integrates data mining techniques with BI applications is one form of implementation, which is able to answer those needs. Adaptive BI Systems include elements of data mining, predictive modelling, forecasting, optimization, and adaptability to assist in decision making. This research focuses on several important things, especially to find out the steps that must be carried out in building a good and targeted Adaptive BI. We also reviewed the right approach in Adaptive BI development in hospitals, and many important aspects that must be considered so that development system works for hospital environment.
Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Adaptive Business Intelligence
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Dwitika Diah Pangestuti
Telkom University
This research, we search the trend by utillize all information about the criminality type. When the trend has found, the possibility of crime in West Java will decrease. We need to analyse the data to get the information about the criminality trend by using Ontology based Text Classification Method. A news will be grouped into some criminality classes based on the relation around that groups so the process of classification can be done simply and specifically. The criminality trend of West Java is Property Crime with 47,5% of occurrences. We used several testing method such as F1 Score, Precision, Recall, and Accuracy. Based on the methods, the performance of system is running well or not in different point of view. The researcher obtained satisfactory result with F1 score 87,05%, accuracy 86,74%, recall 100% and precision 77,08% with using comparison of composition crime dataset and non-crime dataset is 40 : 40. It happens because testing needs to be done by considering the number of both datasets. The more balance the comparison while do pre-process, the higher accuracy that will get. In order to know whether the system is able to clarify the information accurately and can separate the non-criminal news dataset.
Criminality, Ontology, Text Classification, Digital News
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Angga Friyanto
Information Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jalan Dipatiukur No.112-114, Bandung, Indonesia
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure or HTTPS is data communication between client and web server in essentially is end to end secure connection. In network security, Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) device function is inspection every packet enters and exits to internal network including packet secure connection. HTTPS packet and others secure connection packet are running packet in the network with didnt plain text, but all packet was encrypted from source. Packet encryption make IPS difficult to inspection packet and knowing what the content inside the packet. One of the methods IPS to inspection packet HTTPS is act as bridge end to end secure connection between client and web server. The method make two sections secure connection. The first is secure connection between IPS and client use self-sign digital certificate. And the second is secure connection between IPS and web server use digital certificate from certificate authority. This method make HTTPS not end to end secure connection directly between client and web server in essentially HTTPS. This paper explain the analysis and impact of the method above.
HTTPS, IPS, network security, digital certificate
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Poni Sukaesih Kurniati
Universiras Komputer Indonesia
Universitas Padjadjaran
This study aims to analyze accounting information system in Bandung City Government. The research method used is qualitative approach with descriptive research type. Primary data sources were obtained by conducting in-depth interviews and observations. While the secondary data obtained and collected from the compilation and data processing in the form of research results, scientific articles, publications, and documents related to the object of this study. The results showed that the accounting policies undertaken by the Government of Bandung City have not been fully in accordance with Government Accounting Standards (GAS) as regulated in Government Regulation No. 71 of 2010. Accounting policies undertaken by the Government of Bandung carried out through two stages, among others: accounting for financial reporting and accounting policies. The application of accounting information system is able to produce useful local government financial statements for users of financial statements in assessing accountability and making decisions in both economic, social and political decisions.
accounting information system; accounting policy; GAS
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Muhamad Fadli
a) Master of Information System, Postgraduate Faculty, Indonesia Computer University
Jl. Dipatiukur 112-114 Coblong - Bandung, Indonesia
b) Master of Information System, Indonesia Computer University
Jl. Dipatiukur 112-114 Coblong - Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung Smart City is a city that functions optimally in managing various City resources effectively and efficiently to solve various challenges and problems of the city using innovative, integrated and sustainable solutions where technology becomes the supporter of the creation of such solutions supported by strong infrastructure and human resources that are ready to provide city services which can improve the quality of its citizen-s life towards Bandung City that is comfortable and loveable. In analysing the future, Bandung city is guided by the Vision, Mission Strategy and Regional Policy Direction based on the Regional Regulation of Bandung City No. 08 of 2008 concerning the Long-Term Development Plan for the Bandung City 2005-2025. The concept of Smart City technology conducted by Bandung City government today are Data Digitalization of Smart City, Integration of Smart City, Machine to Machine Smart City, and Public Media Communication that all the technologies are using Internet of Things (IoT) Concept. The method in this study began with a literature study to discover indicators of Smart City conducted by the Bandung city government. Then a survey of the required data, processing survey data and analysing and evaluating current conditions of smart city policy were held. After knowing the current conditions of the Bandung Smart City policy, the formulation of strategies, focus, programs, and indicators of the plan is made so that the policy can be easily understood by the public. The results of the research on smart city policy study are applicable in the stages of compiling the Smart City Masterplan in Bandung, which is divided into six smart city dimensions, namely Smart Governance, Smart Branding, Smart Economy, Smart Living, Smart Society, and Smart Environment.
Smart City; IoT; Policy; Governance; Concepts
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Aditya Permadi
(a) ELearning Development University of Padjadjaran, Jatinangor West Java, Indonesian.
In Higher Education e-learning is increasingly having an impact, especially with the blended learning model that has become a model of communication information technology based learning that is ideal in supporting the teaching and learning process. Unpad first applied blended learning in Tahapan Persiapan Bersama (TPB) course followed by 6475 first-year students in 2018. This paper investigates the blended learning effectiveness on TPB course for first-year student in higher education. The Blended learning effectiveness model that are conducted with 3 dimensions namely student characteristics, design learning features, and learning outcomes. The ultimate goal of this investigation is to see the effect of three dimensions on blended learning course.The process of analysis in describing data and hypothesis taking uses descriptive statistics, simple linear regression, and multiple linear regression. The final results show that only two dimensions significantly influence namely the design of application features and learning outcomes but together of three dimensions have a significant effect on the TPB course. It can be concluded that the character or attitude of students in the TPB course based on blended learning is not significantly influence for first-level students in higher education. The results of this study can be a reference for elearning managers and lecturers to maximize the factors contained in the dimensions of learning design features and learning outcomes
Blended learning, eLearning, effectiveness higher education
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Wahyuddin S
1. Magister of information system, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
2. STMIK Dipanegara Makassar, Indonesia
3. Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
4. Department of Economics and Finance, Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
5. Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia), Indonesia
This paper deals with a data mining to extract knowledge regarding factors which affect tuition fee and predict future amount of the tuition fee. Specifically this paper aims to know what factors do affect tuition fee of a private university in eastern part of Indonesia. We used a vector autoregressive (VAR) model with variables including tuition fee, inflation rate, number of enrolled students and regional minimum wage. The data covers from January 2010 to December 2018 and were collected from the private university, the Bank Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), and the South Sulawesi office CBS. We carried out a step-by-step procedure that consists of stationarity test, optimal lag determination, and significance of parameters test as well as un-correlatedness of residuals and structure stability tests. We found that the tuition fee and the number of students are affected by inflation. This result gives impact on tuition fee prediction.
Tuition fee, Inflation, Vector Autoregressive, VAR, Data Mining.
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Ilan Aliansi Zahra
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
The availability of medicines is the main thing in a health service. Fluctuations in the use of medicines that occur every year are an obstacle to the medicine warehouse in planning procurement in hospitals. Forecasting is an important tool in making plans for every organization and agency that needs it. It is important for hospitals to plan medicine supplies to overcome problems related to the availability of medical devices and medicines. The purpose of this study is to predict the need for medicines by using forecasting techniques and calculating the value of the Economic Order Quantity. A forecasting or strict forecasting is needed, to predict medicine needs in the future. The method used in this research is Arima time series forecasting for the prediction process and EOQ calculation. The results of this study in the form of the forecasting value of medicine needs for one future period is shown by the smallest forecasting model error value, namely ARIMA (1.0.0) with an error value of 13%, and the calculation results of the Economic Order Quantity for medicine needs in the coming period.
Forecasting, time series, medicine need, Economic Order Quantity, ARIMA, Exponential Smoothing
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Adam Mukharil Bachtiar
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
This research is conducted to help User Interface/User Experience (UI/UX) designer to create more proper UI/UX design in the content marketing domain. The experimental method that was used in this research is Design Sprint method. Using Design Sprint method, an appropriate model of UI/UX in content marketing domain will be produced as the result. Several steps like understanding of users, creating better design idea, voting for the best design, prototyping the best design, and testing it is the main content of the discussion. Moreover, a set of prototype and visualization will be developed as the output of this research. By using the model, software developers in this domain case are to be able to design interaction better and faster because the design guide is already told by the result of this research.
Interaction Design, Content Marketing, User Interface, User Experience, Design Sprint, Usability Testing
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Tati Ernawati
Politeknik TEDC Bandung
The security and confidentiality of data/information are a very important problem that requires awareness of the issue. Required a system capable of detecting the occurrence of adverse events intruder or a network. The purpose of this study is to analyze the performance of the IDS (PSAD, Portsentry and Suricata).The research results can be used as recommendations for users, especially network admins in selecting IDS software. The research methodology used is the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC).The system is designed through several stages (system requirements analysis, system/software installation, configuration and testing software attacks).The system detects and monitors the number of suspicious activities that occur on the server (using a cloud service) or computer network. In the event of a threat, the system will issue a warning and keep records for analysis. The IDS performance tests are differentiated based on three types of attack (port scanning, DDoS SYN flood and brute force attack), the parameters tested include a speed of detection, detection accuracy and resources usage. Test results showed suricata and PSAD are superior in detection accuracy (100%). Suricata showed better performance in resources usage (average 1.64% CPU, 8.42% disk), portsentry is only superior to RAM usage (26.89%). PSAD was better in the speed of detection (average 4.21s.). The result concluded suricata and PSAD better performance to be used as network IDS.
IDS, PSAD, Portsentry, Suricata, NDLC
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
windu gata
STMIK Nusa Mandiri, Jakarta, Indonesia
PT Cedefindo is engaged in the cosmetics contract manufacturer where the accuracy of product delivery is very important in order to maximize service to consumers, so information is needed to support the performance from order to delivery of the product. This study will provide predictions of product delivery based on the results of analysis of existing production history data. In addition, this prediction will prevent problems in administration, production and delivery. The data mining algorithm used is linear regression to predict administration, production, and delivery of product delivery accuracy. The predictive value produced is a constant of 6.105, plus 0.925 times the number of administrative days, plus 0.64 times the number of days of production, plus 0.191 times the number of days of delivery. The results of the test formula produced there is a difference of 10 days from the target and prediction.
data mining, prediction, manufacturer, linear regression
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Erick Wijaya
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Based on Hany Kharisma Dewis research on "body mechanic relationship with back pain in pregnant mother of third trimester" stated under importance of utilization of body mechanic in preventing risk of injury and other complaints to be minimized [2]. With the rapid development of technology today, it should be assumed that if technology can help facilitate our lives. With the various kinds of sensors that exist on todays Android devices, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass, it is expected to be able to record and obtain daily activities for pregnant women. In this study the authors will see how accurately the results obtained from reading movement sensors in pregnant women are in accordance with the body mechanic movement criteria using sensors on an android device. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the daily movements of pregnant women who are in accordance with the movement criteria of body mechanics can be measured using values that can be taken from the sensors on an android device. Its just that the results of these values are still considered not and have not been accurate. This is caused by the connection of devices that are considered poor.
Body Mechanic, Android, Activity
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Nisa Hanum Harani
(a)Politeknik Pos Indonesia
Jalan Sariasih No.54, Sarijadi, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40151
(b)Universitas Kristen Maranatha
M.P.H, Jl. Surya Sumantri No.65, Sukawarna, Sukajadi, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
SVARA is an internet radio application developed for music and radio fans that provides music, radio, podcast and social media content. The existence of a recommendation system will help recommend music content to listeners based on the mood of the listeners. To display music predictions that fit the listeners mood is by grouping music with similar attributes. This research begins with the random sampling stage of music data on the SVARA server, then the data pre-processing stage to get the value of features in the music data with feature extraction using the python pyAudioAnalysis library. The features obtained from the results of extracting music data become attributes for doing music grouping on moods. Music data grouping uses the DataMining method with the Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering algorithm in 50 samples of music data. Mood parameters consisted of joy, relax, anxiety and depression. The application of the Hierarchical Agglomerative algorithm makes music data in the SVARA application grouped according to mood.
Recommendation Systems;Python, pyAudioAnalysis, Data Mining, Clustering, Agglomerative Hierarchical
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Hani Irmayanti
Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jalan Dipatiukur No. 112-116, Bandung, Indonesia
The objective of this study is to create a recommendation many time and how much purchase of raw material each period. Method which used is Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). This method is one of many method for supply management, to avoid shortage or surplus raw material which use for production. Result of this study is the ideal of raw material amount which use for production. Those result is gain from calculation ordering cost and storage cost, where ordering cost is cost per one order and storage cost is cost for each unit material per period, other than that this method also determine a forecasting based on amount of order which will be produced. Surely, result of forecasting is very helpful the company to order raw material which corresponding to production, so that can decrease loss of ordering cost and storage cost due to the excess purchase of these raw materials.
EOQ; raw materials; ordering cost; storage cost
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Suryanto Suryanto
Department of Business Administration, Universitas Padjadjaran
This study aims to analyze the transparency of local financial management as an effort to improve and accountability of regional financial information systems in Indonesia. The research method used the qualitative approach. The technique of collecting data using literature study and documentation. As for testing the validity of data using data triangulation. While the data analysis techniques used are the intensive analysis of the data that has been obtained with steps of data collection, data reduction, data classification, data presentation, and conclusion. The results show that the management of local finance in Indonesia has experienced a thorough correction of its management system. In general, local governments have applied transparency and accountability in financial management. However, in terms of accounting recording is still required the existence of coaching and further training, because it is not fully in accordance with the provisions. Regional Financial Information System (RFIS) is an information technology-based system that can provide information to the public regarding the accountability of Local Government in carrying out its duties, especially in the management of local finances. RFIS is one form of government transparency in local financial management.
financial information systems; transparency; regional finance
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Anissa Prananda Dewi
(a) Department Management, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
(b) Department Accounting, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to analyze that communication with technology and information systems has many benefits create modern marketing. Social media have become the main pillar in delivering information. Social media can be used to socialize programs and policies, introduce products and social media can be used to community learning. Method Data collection with questionnaires is distributed randomly to social media users. The results of the analysis show that small and medium entrepreneurs claim to be easier to market products through online media and get more customers from online sites. Likewise consumers prefer to buy products they want through social media, because in this era of globalization people tend to use digital communication, they also assume that shopping through online sites has many advantages such as economical, time-saving and practical prices. Of course this is widely used by entrepreneurs. Therefore, social media can be a creative marketing product in entrepreneurship.
Marketing, Social Media
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Andini Setya Arianti
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Over the past few years, Instagram has proved as one of the most popular social media in existence. Instagram started as a photo-sharing application and now has grown into a tool means for business. This ever-growing popularity surely has something to do with how the user perceived its usability. This paper studies how readability of Instagram-s user interface (UI) affect users engagement and to understand why Instagram UI stands out among other social media. The components, including four main features of Instagram, is analyzed through user interface design theory. The result further compared with a survey among Instagram users. The results show that there is connection between Instagram popularity and the application-s readability.
Instagram, User Interface, User engagement , Readability
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Achmad Adytiya Nurrasyid
1,2 Department of Information Management, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
The object of research in this study is customer satisfaction, which is an assessment of a product or service that is used and aims to improve the quality and service of a product or service. In this study the measurement method used is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method. This method is used to determine how much the level of user satisfaction with learning media applications. The results show the calculation of the level of customer satisfaction based on Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. The percentage value obtained is based on these five attributes using the Likert Scale, which is a scale of 1-5. Based on the results of the research conducted that the satisfaction of use in the application shows the criteria of satisfaction. This calculation is useful to find out the quality of this learning application. By knowing the value of satisfaction it can be concluded that this application can help with the learning process of children, however still not forget some suggestions from respondents to evaluate and improve the application to be even better.
Learning Media Application; Android; Customer Satisfaction Index
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Rangga Gelar Guntara
Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Forecasting the price of a house has a very important role for property seekers. now the factors that influence the price of a house are location and accessibility. the more pleasant the location conditions, the higher the price of the house. Google Place API can be used to determine the location of a house whether it is strategic or not, by using the Google Place API it can be seen where important facilities around the location of the house. But the problem faced was apparently not enough just to determine the location to forecast an increase in house prices. The purpose of this research is to build an android based application by utilizing the Google Place API to predict the price increase of a house based on location and accessibility to public facilities
android application, forecasting price, google place
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Catherin Rumambo Mogot Pandin
Postgraduate of Information System Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
This research purpose to classify data export products of Indonesia against South Korea. The clustering method used in this research is the K-Means method, in K-Means cluster has a good degree of accuracy. This research examines how the use of the K-means method in case studies export products Indonesia against South Korea. From the results of clustering using K-Means method based on the value of the USD and Kg, then the generated 3 (three) clusters with cluster values are high, medium and low. Based on those results suggest that K-Means method can be used for inventory control of product reference or as Indonesia Indonesia Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Busan to view any export products should be retained and what are the export products should be improved to be promoted in South Korea so as to increase the number of export products of Indonesia against South Korea.
Export, Clustering, K-Means
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Deffy Susanti
Universitas Majalengka
Consumers are very important assets for the company. This is the reason why companies must design and use strategies that are quite clear in treating consumers. With the large number of consumers owned by a company, the problem that must be faced is how to determine potential consumers. With clustering methods in data mining, companies can identify potential consumers by grouping consumers. The purpose of the consumer grouping process is to find out consumer behavior and apply the right marketing strategy so that it can bring benefits to the company. This study discusses how to process data mining from consumer data at TB 80, which is a company engaged in the field of matrial, selling material and aims to find potential consumers who are expected to make managerial decisions to increase revenue. The data mining process begins with the process of preprocessing data (selection, clending and transformation) then in the clustering stage using the K-Means algorithm by determining the number of clusters. The clustering results of algorithm K-Means are used to group consumers and form consumer classes based on Frequency and Monetary attributes.
Data Mining, Consumers, Algorithms, K-Means
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Asri Rachmawati
Departemen Sistem Informasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to identify the extent of the application of digitalization systems (information systems) to facilitate journalists in handling public complaints in government institutions and state apparatus. So that all information conveyed will be centralized into a system that is in a data, in this study will be presented in the form of images so that an in-depth explanation of the digitization system and in a structured. The method used in this study is the observation method which is observing the field in search of information related to research. The results of the study are, with the implementation of this digitizing system, the public complaints process that was not previously handled by the system, with the help of the handling process system to be faster and more accurate, because it is real-time in the process of submitting public complaints. The conclusion of this study is Thus the use of a digitization system can help facilitate the process of reporting public complaints, because the complaints process can be done at any time and can be immediately handled once there is a report that goes to the relevant agency, and can accommodate various complaints because it is stored in the information system.
Public complaints, information system, application system
Informatic and Information System
Corresponding Author
Almer Hassan Ali
Universitas Komputer Indonesia
PT. Makassar BAN and Fertilizer Retailers have problems, namely problems in making monthly reports that are used as supplementary documents in ordering fertilizers both to distributors and to producers. This is because both (PT. BAN Makassar and Fertilizer Retailers) do not have applications that are used specifically to process their daily transaction data, which have been managed conventionally (not based on databases), so that all daily transactions must be typed in making monthly reports re-use the MS application (Excel). Distributed Database-based application is one method that can be used to overcome the problems mentioned above. This application will be used to store transactions separately both in Fertilizer Retailers and at PT. BAN Makassar which will then be used as material in the preparation of monthly reports flowing from Complete Fertilizer Retailers to PT. The Makassar BAN is then forwarded to the Manufacturer. The results of this study are the application of distributed database-based fertilizer buying and selling transactions that are used as fertilizer online stock reporting from retailers to distributors
Distributed database, PT. BAN Makassar, Fertilizer Retailer
Informatic and Information System
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